Prince George's Sentinel: A Harmonious 'Chorus Line' at Riverside Center Dinner Theater
FREDERICKSBURG, Va. – “The show was the ‘Hamilton’ of its day.” Thus Patrick A’Hearn, Riverside Center for the Performing Arts producing artistic director, gives his production of “A Chorus Line,” a reference point for today’s audience.

Culpeper Times CURTAIN CALLS: “Chorus Line” – A Singular Sensation
They get out of bed no matter how they feel, show up for the audition, and dance their little hearts out. Some of the bodies are starting to show the wear, and some of the smiles are getting a little more desperate, but this is important. They need this job.
And so the backstage life of a New York musical theatre dancer comes into the spotlight. From the hopeful individuals that the director sees at the beginning to the polished, high-stepping pros that the audience gets at the end, “A Chorus Line” is their story.
Riverside has chosen this one-of-a-kind musical sensation to conclude twenty years of Broadway hit offerings in the region, and it’s a ringer.

Free Lance-Star Review: 'A Chorus Line' exposes heartache and thrill of making it on Broadway
It takes an army of super-talented dancers, singers and actors to put on the big-ticket productions Broadway is known for—shows like “Les Miserables,” “The Lion King,” “The Phantom of the Opera,” “Wicked.” Who are these hundreds of largely anonymous people? How did they end up where they are?
Onstage at the Riverside Center for the Performing Arts through Sept. 16, “A Chorus Line” examines a handful of these unique individuals and what drove them to pursue such a career—as well as the ins and outs, the starts and stops, the thrill and devastation that make performing what it is.

BWW Review: Riverside Center for the Performing Arts' A CHORUS LINE Captures Lightning in a Bottle
Riverside Center for the Performing Arts has a real treat for its 100th production with the classic Broadway musical A Chorus Line. From the iconic opening number to the show-stopping finale, 22 triple-threat performers work tirelessly and prove this production is something really special. There have been recent tours and productions in Virginia, but this is the "One" audiences really must see.

DCMetroTheaterArts Review: ‘A Chorus Line’ at Riverside Center for the Performing Arts
A Broadway musical about Broadway musicals—what could be better for theatre-lovers of all stripes? The iconic A Chorus Line truly fits the bill!
The current production of A Chorus Line at Riverside Center for the Performing Arts is a perfect homage to the original. Riverside’s Producing Artistic Director, Patrick A’Hearn, disclosed that he was waiting to assemble just the right combination of performers, creative team, and production staff before mounting A Chorus Line. He succeeded—and then some!

Free Lance-Star: Get in line for Riverside's latest musical treat: 'A Chorus Line'
Periodically we all have an audition.
These auditions can come in the form of a job interview, passing an important test or meeting all of your spouse’s BFFs. It can be grueling.
Well, performers, dancers and actors go through auditions all the time. And there’s an iconic musical coming to town focused on that process as well as the unique folks that typically comprise it.
The time-tested and iconic Michael Bennett production “A Chorus Line,” with music by Marvin Hamlisch, owns the Riverside Center for the Performing Arts stage through Sept. 16.

Sam Brackley and Justin Amellio preview A Chorus Line with Town Talk's Ted Schubel
Listen to Sam Brackley (Paul) and co-director and co-choreographer, Justin Amellio preview our current production of A Chorus Line at Riverside alongside Producing Artistic Director, Patrick A'Hearn and Town Talk's Ted Schubel (NewsTalk 1230 WFVA).
A Chorus Line runs now through September 16, 2018. Tickets are available via our website or by calling our box office at 540-370-4300!

DC Metro Theatre Arts: Riverside Center Welcomes One Singular Sensation with 'A Chorus Line'
Riverside Center for the Performing Arts in Fredericksburg, Virginia is excited to be celebrating 20 years of bringing the best of Broadway in Virginia with the legendary and iconic Broadway musical, A Chorus Line starring J. Clayton Winters as Zach and Nicole Oberleitner as Cassie. A Chorus Line begins performances on July 25th and runs until Sunday, September 16th.

BWW: Riverside Center Presents A CHORUS LINE
Riverside Center for the Performing Arts in Fredericksburg, Virginia is excited to be celebrating 20 years of bringing the best of Broadway in Virginia with the legendary and iconic Broadway musical, A Chorus Line starring J. Clayton Winters as Zach and Nicole Oberleitner as Cassie. A Chorus Line begins performances on July 25th and runs until Sunday, September 16th.