Click on one of the questions below to reveal the answer.
+ Do you offer buffet dining?
No. We offer a 3-course, waiter-served dinner at our mainstage productions. Our menu includes salad, bread, a choice of entrees (including vegetarian, gluten-free and children's selections), and dessert. Coffee, iced tea, and water are also included. A selection of appetizers and desserts are available for purchase. Our full-service bar offes soft drinks, wine, beer mixed drinks and craft cocktails. Patrons with special dietary needs should contact our Executive Chef for assistance.
+ May I bring a cake for a special occasion?
No outside food or drink is permitted at mainstage dinner theatre performances, but food (including cake!) is encouraged in our Children's Theatre.
+ Are your shows appropriate for children?
Riverside Center is a family-oriented theatre, seeking to present live entertainment with appeal to the broadest range of patrons, but must also maintain the licensed content of each show. Please call the Box Office in regards to the suitability of particular shows for certain audiences. We do not admit children under the age of three to mainstage dinner theatre performances.
Our Children's Theatre is aimed at the maturity and attention level of young children, although teens and adults also enjoy these productions.
+ May I photograph or record any parts of a performance?
Due to copyright restrictions, photography (with or without flash), audio, and video recordings of any portion of our performances are strictly prohibited.
+ Do you have a smoking area?
Our facility is 100% non-smoking at all times, however smoking areas are provided nacross the parking lot from the main entrance and at the end of the sidewalk.
+ What are your ticket sales policy?
All sales are final. No refunds will be made for unused tickets, including season tickets, gift certificates, or Pick 3 certificates. Please mention any coupons or discounts when reserving your seating. Discounts will not be deducted after payment has been processed, and may not be combined. Patrons who do not attend their scheduled performance for any reason will be considered "No Show" and will forfeit their tickets.
+ What is your inclement weather policy?
If Riverside Center cancels the performance, we will call and/or email each reservation to inform of the cancellation and offer to reschedule. If the weather is not severe enough to cancel the performance, but conditions in your immediate area are actively unsafe, you may reschedule your tickets without charge during the day before your reserved date up until five hours prior to the scheduled arrival time. Leave a message for the Box Office during those hours we are closed.
+ Can I re-schedule my tickets for a different performance?
Yes, by calling the Box Office at least 24 hours before your scheduled arrival. A processing fee of $10 per ticket for mainstage performances (maximum $40) and $5 per ticket for Children's Theatre performances (maximum $20) will be collected. Tickets may not be rescheduled on the day of their expected use.
+ Will I have to share a table?
Seating is reserved on a first-come, as-available basis. Parties may reserve a table larger than their numbers might demand, however given the need we will sell each empty seat in the theatre without prior notice and may condense patron seating at our convenience. Our largest tables seat six, so larger parties may be seated at adjacent tables. Fire code prohibits pushing tables together anywhere in the theatre, or adding chairs to already-full tables. Changing seats is considered rescheduling and incurs the usual reschedule fee.
+ What is your dress code?
We encourage business casual and politely ask that you refrain from flip flops, shorts, and tattered or distressed jeans. The theater can be chilly!